
Power Claw Guide

I recommend printing all parts with a layer thickness of 0.2 mm, 2 walls, infill of at least 10%. Bolts and trigger with a layer thickness of 0.2 mm, 3 walls, infill of at least 20%. When printing bolts, pay attention that the seam is located inside the groove. For springs better to use PETG or even better Nylon.

2 thoughts on “Power Claw Guide

  1. Kenny Ortiz says:

    How well does it work when painted?

    I know that with moving parts theres always the issue of paint scratching off which honestly isnt a big issue since its meant to look used and battered. But would painting certain parts that slide make it hard for it to do so? Would it make the pieces stick together?

    If so, do you recommend the filament we print it with to be of certain colors in certain parts to bypass that issue?

    I would love to see a guide of “printing a fully colored one” where you paint the outer shells in red like Commisar Yarrick’s, The claw part printed in silver or steel color filament so it looks metal no matter how many scratches and such.

    1. Alex Geek says:

      In fact, all moving mechanisms are hidden under the casing, they do not need to be painted. Of course, using plastic under the metal can simplify painting, and some parts can even not be painted

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